Truffle will revolutionize Dating!

In today’s world where everything from groceries to car shopping is done online, it has become difficult to connect and meet with other people. This has given birth to online dating, which has bridged the gap by providing a mechanism for people to virtually connect with other potential singles. As a result, folks on sites like, eHarmony, etc spend countless hours messaging other singles, hoping to get an in-person date. They write and re-write their profiles, just to get the other person’s attention.  This is exactly where Truffle is making a difference and changing the paradigm. 

Truffle is a boutique dating website targeting working professionals who want to meet and connect with other singles in-person instead virtually. It is built on the fundamentals of reducing the time it takes to meet that someone special. It works on three simple principles:

  1. Confirm you are a working professional via LinkedIn authentication

  2. Upload pictures that tell the world who you are.

  3. Go ask that special someone out for coffee.

There is no “about me” to be written. No profile telling others why someone should pick you. Everything is communicated through pictures. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Behind the scenes, each Truffler is given three matches every three days. Once one Truffler likes another, he/she can ask him/her out. If the other person accepts, the inviter pays $10, there is no recurring subscription charge. Upon date acceptance, Truffle provides six local coffee shops where both the people can meet over coffee. These coffee shops have been hand picked to ensure the meet-up experience is as smooth and safe as possible.

So for all the single folks out there, try Truffle ( and Start something lovely!